Who was Georges Lakhovsky?
Your body's incredibly sophisticated use of electromagnetic resonance enables conscious and unconscious brain waves to control all your body's functions and systems. As this fails, actions like vision, singing and gymnastics are impaired or even impossible.
Our bio-resonance scans assess thousands of frequencies for disharmony in your major systems, organs, glands and tissues. The findings can help you address current issues and resolve their causes, or provide early warning signs for areas that are out of balance.
Decades of research have opened this wonderful field of energy medicine to give us detailed insight. Variations of electromagnetic frequencies are interpreted and reported with amazing accuracy compared to chemical lab tests that are far more expensive and often less accurate.
Over 50 areas of the body and its functions have been mapped out with over 140,000 micro current patterns for in-depth analysis and reporting. Virtually every area of the body can be scanned, tissues and joints like shoulders and hips, as well as your glands and organs.
State-of-the-art, bio-resonance assessments
Bio-Energy Scans
We view DeTOX as an energetic model that creates and sustains the biology of life. Everything that is alive, however small it is, has a natural vibratory frequency. Toxins are harmful because they cause imbalance (cellular oscillatory disequilibrium). One cell's imbalance can disrupt neighboring cells. As a gang, a group of imbalanced cells can become more and more disruptive. As this progresses, it can cause infection, inflammation, diarrhea, high temperatures, various malfunctions and other symptoms. It can evolve into organ damage and chronic diseases.
Cellular imbalance can also create cells that have damaged DNA and reproduce with no aim. These can grow as clusters, lumps and masses. They provide no benefit. They are unwanted tissue in unwelcome places.
Imbalance impairs the ability of cells to send and receive chemical and electrical messages. This can lead to pain, forgetfulness, confusion, poor mobility, tremors, impaired hearing, vision, taste and sense of touch as well as many other physical issues. This is all due to toxins and their effects on the vibratory properties of cells and the ensuing impaired biological functions.
Every cell eats, breathes, and transmits energy and sends out chemicals. One cell's waste may be another cell's dinner. Digestion works this way. As healthy cells reproduce they create little factories. Each cell is a living entity with a specific role to perform. If DNA damage is involved, new cells cannot function as needed and may be referred to as zombie cells.
If you have are a significant number of toxins building up inside, it can mean your body has an impaired ability to remove them. So, it's likely to get worse and may affect your lifestyle, sense of wellness, enjoyment of life and longevity. A growing number of impaired cells can evolve into functional damage. Then, symptoms appear and grow worse. Generally, this is managed by a soup of pharmaceuticals to create comfort.
Since the mid 1800s, scientists worldwide have
known and studied the distinctive bio-energy
aspects of organs, glands and living tissues.
Georges Lakhovsky found ultra-high frequency
energy with weak magnetic waves inside cells sent essential
oscillating signals throughout the body. He called it the secret of life. He found disequilibrium in cells (oscillating imbalance) eventually causes disease. So, he created the Multiwave Oscillator (MWO) to restore balance. As doctors used it, they observed amazing relief and restoration. European hospitals used MWOs up until 1942. Shortly after Lakhovsky's mysterious car addident, pharmaceuticals became the preferred remedies.
Lakhovsky's research demonstrated the shortage of required nutrients causes intracellular disresonance. Certain harmful microbes (germs) thrive that environment and cause damage. Also, disruptive electro-magnetic frequencies suppress the immune function in plants and animals. Since most food today has limited nutrition, lifelong wellness is no longer common. Studies show 4 of 5 have problems.
Lakhovsky is little known in America. His discoveries came into Europe as war loomed all around, so they got little attention. While in New York to share his discoveries, a car struck him in a mysterious manner and he died in a hotel room.
His discovery that wellness requires cellular oscillatory equilibrium with ultra-fast, frequencies of sub-molecular particles are nearly lost. He demostrated energy with lengths of a millionth of a millimeter are vital to good health.
Researchers and scientists take credit for themselves or may not even know of him. Most of the world thinks the only valid remedies are pills and pharmaceuticals. So, our bio-resonance system may seem odd and ineffective. The opposite could not be more true.
We are deeply indebted to Georges Lakhovsky because our service is focused on creating cellular oscillatory equilibrium and its legacy of amazing results with most any disease. (ref: The Waves that Heal; the New Science of Radiobiology. A Short Account of the Theories of G. Lakhovsky with Results Obtained in the Treatment of Plants, Animals, and Human Beings, by Mark Clements)
Why is DeTOX needed?
Our Point of View is Simple:
• Neurotoxins damage the nervous system of humans and pets.
• Powerful corporations put neurotoxins in the air, food, water, etc.
• Profits out weigh the moral compass for health and wellness.
• Neurotoxins are increasing worldwide and they're unavoidable.
• Neurotoxins in a body cause disabling symptoms.
• Damage is unknown until symptoms appear.
• Symptoms are ignored until impairment becomes a problem.
• Doctors treat the symptoms, not the progressing degeneration.
• Dreams and lifestyles are compromised with fewer choices.
A better future comes from awareness and effective detoxification.
We urge you to buy a toxin burden test so we can scan you to see if detoxing is needed. We assess all 12 types of neurotoxins.
There is no time to waste because it can take years to get a clean body, stop the progressive damage, and replace the damaged nerves.
We have a unique approach to detoxing that no one can beat.
• Quarterly progress reports.
• Shielding that blocks all forms of harmful EMFs.
We provide for a fixed monthly cost:
• Quarterly, remote scans to assess your needs and progress.
• Individualized supplements that all your organs and glands need.
• Personal coaching and guidance.• Quarterly progress reports.
• Shielding that blocks all forms of harmful EMFs.
SURROGACY: We do scans in person at trade shows and conferences but at a distance we use a surrogate. We do not have to ever meet face-to-face to provide our service.
If you prefer, we will use a DNA sample of nail clippings or hair. but, after after thousands of scans we see the scans using surrogacy give the same results as DNA-based scans.
We believe remote scanning works through quantum entanglement and primary perception discovered by Cleve Baxter in the 1960s and confirmed thousands of times.
In our research we have found over three dozen published theories for how remote scanning and
surrogacy works. We are not waiting
for a scientific concensus. It will take
years. Instead we saw it working and
we did not want to make people wait.
Summary: We offer the only personalized, whole-body detox program. It is the only program that helps the body clear all 12 categories of harmful substances and invasive life forms. It works with all 40 organs, glands and systems of the body at the same time and follows for chronic diseasesthe body's own priorities and sequences.
Because the program provides support 24/7, it is the fastest, safest and most effective program available. There are no chemicals to stress and overload the body. Our system uses a proprietary combination of science and energy medicine that uniquely supports the body's innate ability to remove toxins and harmful organisms and support general wellness.
The program starts with an assessment of your needs and risks of disabling chronic disease due to nerve damage. We use a cutting-edge bio-energy scan device that detects the flow of vital energy and cellular imbalance. Its findings provide a foundation for an individualized application of our world-class protocols.
The risk assessment shows if your body has cellular imbalance from over 14,000 toxic substances and foreign organisms known to cause degenerative diseases, pain and 100 similar issues.
Our testing allows us to provide energetic versions of the optimal supplements, exilers, and vitamins you need. You do not need to buy any more supplements, which may actually save you money. Our program is safe and simple. It's percect for children and those with special needs.
We provide regular progress reports and consultations. There are no office visits due to our use of quantum entanglement and the proven science of the Backster effect. This is similar to how Reiki and other distance energy healing modalities.
Over 600 doctors depend on DeTOX to protect themselves, their careers and their families. You can follow their footsteps to a life a vitality, good health and the realization of dreams.
Send an email to Support@wsEnergetics.com to discuss additional scans.

How Does the Scan Device Work?
The manufacturer does not disclose much about the device, but here is what we understand. It does not depend on the operator's intentions or radionics. It's physics. The device rapidly transmits a form of precise waves of energy. Your body's response to this is a form of bio-feedback. The data gained from an assessment describes very distinctive resonant properties of the body's tissues and energy flow. This is possible because each organ, gland and type of issue has distinctive properties given its shape, density, and composition.
The manufacturer does not disclose much about the device, but here is what we understand. It does not depend on the operator's intentions or radionics. It's physics. The device rapidly transmits a form of precise waves of energy. Your body's response to this is a form of bio-feedback. The data gained from an assessment describes very distinctive resonant properties of the body's tissues and energy flow. This is possible because each organ, gland and type of issue has distinctive properties given its shape, density, and composition.
The data is decoded using tests and algorithms from 120 years of reseach by brilliant experts in dozens of countries. When distance is involved it uses the Backster effect and quantum entanglement. The underlying process assesses cellular oscillatory disequilibrium and balance in the flow of energy. The data from a Toxin Burden scan is converted into a report about cellular imbalance and impairments in the flow of energy for all twelve categories of neurotoxin. The offers insight into the degree of risk ahead because there is a very high correlation between neurotoxins and progresssive, disabling nerve damage that worsens over time.
The device also has the ability to find the ideal remedies that support the body's innate functions. So, while focusing on the DeTOX program, we also provide support for general health issues and a wide range of other matters.
Toxin burden scans assess the risk of progressive damage to the nervous system which causes chronic diseases and loss of independence.
Don't Guess. Get a Test!
You may need help stopping progressive nerve damage.
Get a Toxin Burden Scan to discover what your body wants you to know, so you can take action and avoid the cost and challenges of medical clinics
How Are Scans Administered?
Scanning can be done either in-person or at a distance using a process based on quantum entanglement and remote viewing. The advanced design of the device we use can "feel" the energy signature of a remote person or pet. This saves you a lot of time and money because there are no office visits. Everything can be done at a distance. So, DeTOX is super convenient.
Scanning can be done either in-person or at a distance using a process based on quantum entanglement and remote viewing. The advanced design of the device we use can "feel" the energy signature of a remote person or pet. This saves you a lot of time and money because there are no office visits. Everything can be done at a distance. So, DeTOX is super convenient.
We routinely scan people at conferences. Many of them hold the device as a surrogate so we can see if a loved one has lots of toxing inside. We show them how to do this.
Some people ask us to use a sample of the remote person's DNA or a photo. These older technologies offer no advantage and give the same results. For simplicity and lower costs for our clients we prefer Quantum Entanglement.
Can I Sign-up Later?
Yes, you can start at any time. Until then, you should be scanned at least twice a year to see how you're doing, especially if you are on a different detox program. Our scans can assess your progress and help you know if you are getting the results you need and want.
Yes, you can start at any time. Until then, you should be scanned at least twice a year to see how you're doing, especially if you are on a different detox program. Our scans can assess your progress and help you know if you are getting the results you need and want.
You may need to change a few priorities to get on the DeTOX program. But, the sooner you start, the better your future wellness and lifestyle can be.
If your toxin burden scan shows a disruptive imbalance in even one of the 12 categories, the liklihood of problems ahead may be a very serious matter. Nerve damage is silent and subtle. Typically, it is progressively disabling and it can be irreversible.
A proactive, life-changing decision today can help you avoid a string of life-changing problems later on.
Since, both fortunes and misfortunes are made from small and seemingly unimportant decisions, you may be at a critical point in your life. A long life of good health for you and your loved ones is not guaranteed, and it does not come as an accident.
Is DeTOX My Best Option?
No other detox program is individualized. No other has quarterly reports. No other provides all the supplements you need at a fixed price. No other avoids dangerous retoxing through preparation. No other works 24/7 to deliver fast, deep results. No other addesses all 12 categories. No other follows the gold standards of the world's best programs. No other assures safety from dirty ingredients and dangerous nano particles. DeTOX is personal and totally unique.
No other detox program is individualized. No other has quarterly reports. No other provides all the supplements you need at a fixed price. No other avoids dangerous retoxing through preparation. No other works 24/7 to deliver fast, deep results. No other addesses all 12 categories. No other follows the gold standards of the world's best programs. No other assures safety from dirty ingredients and dangerous nano particles. DeTOX is personal and totally unique.
No other company offers solution with the ease and simplicity of our non-consumable supplements. No one else has discovered how to put into use the realities of what science calls metaphysics, like we do, and it's no coincidence you are reading this. We're decades ahead of the knowledge curve, and helping hundreds of people like you.
What Does the Toxin Burden Scan Cover?
It addresses twelve neurotoxin categories: Bacterial, Chemical,
It addresses twelve neurotoxin categories: Bacterial, Chemical,
Emotional, Food Related, Fungal, Geopathic (dirt electricity and EMFs),
Heavy Metals, Mycoplasma, Mycotoxins, and Vaccination Adjuvants. It is also assessing the imbalance caused by Nanoparticles.
Your loved-ones want and need you to be at your best.
Decades of joy or daily regret?
Was his Death Really an Accident ?
No pills?! That's right. Here's how we do it: We remotely scan all the organs and glands in your body for energy-draining and stress-related imbalances. Our technology selects the frequencies and remedies that will best help to restore cellular equilibrium. Doctors and scientists, like Royal Rife, Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky, and scores of others, studied and used energy medicine because they could see cellular imbalance causes disease and when equilibrium is restored health improves and disease goes away. That is Mother Nature's source of life in both plants and animals.
What comes next is amazing: We address the problems of cellular imbalance through the world's safest and most natural, bio-available solution! We don't use pills. Instead, we encode an energetic version of the exact balancing items you need into a homeopathic-like remedy consisting of high mineral sands, crystals and copper in a little bottle that you carry around with you for 12 hours or more each day. As you absorb this energy, you get the balancing effects you need. We refined the science of these pioneers and use it for the Broad Spectrum DeTOX service. At virtually every medical conferece we attend, doctors quickly understand this system and hundreds of them use our DeTOX service for themselves and their loved-ones
Broad Spectrum DeTOX is a full-service program that helps your body remove disabling and harmful neurotoxins and biological organisms.
It has a fixed monthly price regardless of how many supplements you need.
It uses energy medicine to provide the optimal brand-specific supplements needed by every organ, gland and system in your body
It has a fixed monthly price regardless of how many supplements you need.
It uses energy medicine to provide the optimal brand-specific supplements needed by every organ, gland and system in your body
The supplements are provided energetically, 24/7 through subtle science.
You get:
All the supplements your body needs for your current condition
You get:
All the supplements your body needs for your current condition
This is updated quarterly to match improvements and new priorities
You get personal coaching and guidance
Quarterly progress reports
Individualized care and attention
Biometric shielding from harmful EMFs everywhere you go.
You get personal coaching and guidance
Quarterly progress reports
Individualized care and attention
Biometric shielding from harmful EMFs everywhere you go.
DeTOX program follows the gold-standard protocols of the world's top experts at a fraction of their cost. Because DeTOX works 24/7, it is more than 3 times faster and a fraction of the cost.
It can take 1 to 3 years or more to reach safe levels. This is based on age, vitality and other conditions like the kinds and extent of neurotoxins.
Tell me about the DeTOX program
DeTOX is Great for Children and
Easy for those with Special Needs
That's it? And, there is nothing else you can do?
How Bio-Resonance Helps DeTOX
When a Toxin Burden scan reveals significant levels of toxins, it indicates significant risks ahead. Many people found to have high levels are aware of emerging symptoms. If organs being stressed or weakened and struggling to perform their biological role large areas of the ody can be negativekly impacted. it can proceed from there like dominoes.
Cellular imbalance is meaureable and manageable through corrective energies with specific amplitudes, frequencies. Our advanced technology is extremely sensitive and is able to address a huge range of specific remdies, from extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields to ultra high (UHF). Bioresonance has nearly two centuries of discovery from leaders including Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, Georges Lakhovsky, Bruce Lipton and Rupert Sheldrake. Pharmaceuticals have suppressed the study and use of bioresonance and vibration. But it is available, here.
In order to restore health and correct cellular imbalances, extended exposure to corrective frequencies is required. Experience shows that pills and powders provide little benefit. They can have dangerous side effects and can introduce new problems.
The Broad Spectrum DeTOX program is the best solution because:
- It addresses the underlying secret of life—healthy vibrations
- There is nothing to consume; never too much or too late
- Its balancing frequencies strengthen your physiology and anatomy
- It provides individualized supplements for your current needs
- It provides biometric EMF protection, 24/7 for universal harmony
- Its provides quarterly updates from a distance; no office visits
You can avoid progressive symptoms that can become irreversible, burden loved ones and must be endured.
Don't go down the wrong path!
You need help!
Do you know why Autism is Increasing?
Did you say you provide all the
supplements my body needs,
and I can stop buying them?!!
supplements my body needs,
and I can stop buying them?!!
Yes. 🙂 As guided by Nikola Tesla,
we use frequencies instead of pills!
we use frequencies instead of pills!
Wow! ❤ I'll save money!
It's a Choice
Hold on a minute. This
sounds impossible!
You can do scans at a
distance to find out
if I have toxins inside?
And, you'll do it every 3
months to monitor my
improvement -- with
No Office visits?
Do you have any proof?
Our electromagnetic scans are a great way to get an unbiased, second opinion!
Supplements without Pills
These results are blowing my mind. 50% lower risks!
How can it do that?!!
Yale School of Medicine, 1937:
In unfertilized human eggs, discrete bio-energy fields become the brain and spine.
Irregular bio-energy fields in unfertilized eggs become areas of disease.
Click HERE to learn more.
Electromagnetics is Vital to Women
The comprehensive DeTOX program moves through phases, starting at the cellular level for bio-energy creation (ATP molecules) and storage. The body's natural detoxing process requires the body’s battery packs to be charged up and working well. Youthful clients may move to the second phase quickly. If energy is an issue, improvements here will show up as you become more active.
The second phase works on cell repair and organ health. Organ health is needed for the upcoming load of filtering and house cleaning of phase three. If there is good organ health then this phase may also be fairly short.
However, more than 70 percent of patients in any general practice suffer from functional disturbances. Simply speaking, a functional disturbance occurs when no specific tissue or organ damage can be identified by conventional lab work or other pathological diagnostics, yet the patient still experiences a myriad of symptoms. The improved energy levels in phase one supports the cell repair and organ health that occurs in phase two. There may be more to do in phase two than expected. But, as phase two progresses you’ll see quality of life improvements and symptom severity start to go down.
It’s in the third phase where the detoxing function reaches its optimum conditions. This is when the harmful substances are safely be removed through the body’s natural actions. Depending on the amount and kinds of toxins involved this could take a year or more. Please get in touch with us and we will discuss these dynamics. We will recommend a remote scan of his toxic burden using bio-resonance to see where he may have blockages or organ issues as well as taking a look at the amount and kind of toxins to be removed (This answer applies to virtually all cases of neurological disorders)
Natural Detox Functions Enabled and Optimized
Broad Spectrum DeTOX
What do I do now?
Wow, home care is expensive!
I am drained from all the attention he needs.
Broad Spectrum Detox is a Comprehensive Program that Follows the Gold Standard

Click on the video to watch a full presentation
EMF Biometric Shielding
Unique shielding for Whole-Building protection from the detrimental effects of harmful energies, like EMFs and dirty electricity. Includes protection for people-on-the-go, keeping you safe at work, at school, while riding in an electric train, bus or car, or surrounded by EMF risks at the theater.
These shields are not detected by EMF meauring devices, since their job is to provide offsetting energy that nullifies the detrimental effects of the existing dirty electricity or electromagnetic energies. The devices that can sense the presence of this protection are typically dowsing L-rods. Hundreds of times they have been used to demonstrate how protected areas differ from unprotected areas by observing that L-rods move to a crossed position in unprotected areas, and move to parallel position in protected areas, with 100% consistency when used by a proficient dowser. Confirmed by experts from Austraila, to Canada, as well as the USA.
The effectiveness of the biometric shields has been routinely sensed by those who cannot be around EMF energies without feeling pain of one kind or another. In all cases, the shield instantly worked and the pain stopped.
12 Categories of Toxic Substances
Encyclopedia Britannica reports more than 1,000 chemicals are known to have neurotoxic effects in animals. The Broad Spectrum Detox Program is the Gold Standard service. It works on all 12 categories of toxic substances:
Food Related
Heavy Metals
Voltage and Chemistry
This is one of the most sophisticated areas of our protocol because the flow of energy is critical. For thousands of years acupuncturists and shamans have been treating this malady, because it has very serious impacts on our bodies.
You may think of yourself as a bundle of chemicals, but more accurately, these chemicals are simply energy. Science knows a lot about energy, but there is a lot unknown, like why energy sometimes works like particles and sometimes it works like a field . For example, if you saw a magnet working like particles, that would seem very strange. There is much left for us to learn.
This topic takes on special importance for the body when we realize cells are designed to run between -20 and -25 millivolts. If your batteries are weak (e.g. chronic fatigue) your body may be headed toward trouble. The battery packs in our bodies depend on chemical processes to recharge them. That is one of the main connections between chemistry and energy.
But the greatest link is in the ability to bypass chemistry undere ideal conditions and replace it with energy forces and the universal pattern principle This is one of the dynamics we use when creating and managing weightless supplements.
5 Levels of Healing
Practitioners of healing arts know well that our bodies hold memories in many ways and for many years. Sometimes an ordinary, simple touch can bring someone to tears. Over 7 million web pages come up if you search for "toxins trauma detox." What is most important to us here is how our body, mind and spirit (or soul) can impeded detoxing. For example the most common toxin-holding emotions are: bitterness, unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation, anger, hatred, guilt, shame, sorrow, regret, jealousy, helplessness, depression, apathy, loneliness, fear and rejection. In individual cases, there are many others.
And, this goes much deeper. There are serious theories that say our mind is not inside our body and a lot of evidence to support this. And, there are responsible theories that say a certain trauma at a certain age causes toxins to be stored in specific locations.
As the detox program progress, we will work with you on these topics. We may refer you to specialists or we may help with the metaphysical side of these matters using our own psychic abilities. This is included in the program at no extra cost.
Budget-Friendly and Fast Acting
The DeTOX plan follows the American and European gold standard protocols of Dr. Jerry Tenannt and Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. These seasoned experts have different approaches. Their protocols are both designed for the most serious levels of need., but neither is able to help in every case due to the complex variations of need and the personal biology and epigenetics of individuals. The Broad Spectrum DeTOX plan has adapted and applies them on a personalized, as-needed basis. This offers the best prospects for acheving the desired results.
The plan has monthly monitoring and quarterly progress reports so you can see how your body is progressing toward your goals. The plan also sopports a number of at-home actions like diet and allergy coaching to bring success as quickly as possible. The DeTOX plan helps you avoid the greater costs and burdens associated with progressive nerve damage and the remaining option of treating symptoms after the damage is too pronounced.
The DeTOX plan is unique. It uses advanced technology as artificial intelligence to determine the best way to activate an individuals natural functions so you advance through the program at your body's optimal speed. The additional support you get for at-home actions also helps you reach your goals as quickly as your body is able to go.
This is a list of the services in the DeTOX program and when provided.
Premier Program Service Schedule
Progress/Needs Assessment Monthly
Qest4 Assessment and Progress Report Quarterly
Dietary & Allergy Consultation Two Sessions
Symptoms Inventory Form Review As Submited
Additional Services May be Available by Arrangment
Click here to see the Prices
Click here for Program Details
The 4 Phases
Body Builder: Improves energy production and storage. Balances bio-voltage, triggering cell repair and replacement for improved general health.
Organ-izer: Supports gut health for the uptake and processing of substances. Restores liver health for conversion of nutrients into useful form or storage; isolates toxic substances and converts them into a harmless form for removal.
Mobilizer: Extracts stored toxins, prepares them for removal by excretion.
Maintenance: Supports the operation of the first three phases.
The Clearest Benefits Program
The Clearest Benefits Program provides outstanding service and benefits, and is easy to underestimate. There are two primary functions. First it keeps the bio-energies balanced and flowing. This is on multiple levels, including meridians, chakras and auras.
The next most amazing service is to provide EMF protection . Members have shields that surround their home or office. And, as they travel around, shopping, working or going to school they are in a bubble of protection, keeping them safe from most forms of detrimental energies.
Your journey with us to create a life of wellness is made possible through the energetic balancing and EMF shielding services we provide from afar, and we provide this twice a day. Together, they provide measureable, biological benefits at the cellular level through strong energy fields, structured water and a clean, etheric body. These also enable the continuous support you get from the personalized set of dietary and eneretic supplements programmed into the bottles you get when you start the DeTOX program. These bottles work at a cellular level with the speed of life. That means you might or might not feel better quickly or sense functional improvement for several months or a year, depending on your physical condition.
Typically, it takes a couple years before your body's electrical and chemical systems improve to the point where your body will activate the processes that remove decades of neurotoxins. If the scope of nerve and organ damage is extensive when you start, the results you want may not appear until the high priority issues are resolved. While everyone is different, most clients do not sense symptom improvements until year two or later. While improvement occurs continuously, you may not realize it's happening. For example, you may lose excess weight or have more energy but not realize it's a direct benefit from the program and think nothing is happening.